Torah from Heaven? What Really Happened? What Does It Mean? Does It Matter?

Nathan Lopes Cardozo

zondag 31 mei 2020

Dear Friends, shalom u-vracha. As we will celebrate the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai this coming Shavuot, I am sending you herewith a video of a lecture which I gave in the Dan Panorama Hotel in Jerusalem on June 19, 2017. About Bible criticism, morality and archeology, from Rabbi Louis Jacobs to Rabbi Moshe Cordovero and Rabbi Zadok HaCohen of Lublin.

In this comprehensive lecture I attempt to explain how “Torah from Heaven” has been understood by many of our sages and thinkers and what it really means. I am dealing with many challenges to this belief, the moral and scientific problems involved and how this belief has given rise to many debates and how to solve many halachic problems and matters of faith. The lecture uncovers many new surprising insights with which the Jewish Tradition has been blessed.

I hope you will enjoy this lecture.

May all of us be inspired by this greatest moment in all of human and Jewish history which took place at Sinai.

Chag sameach

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